melody marks 肛交-白虎 美穴 百年前的成王人皮影戏看什么?(上)

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白虎 美穴 百年前的成王人皮影戏看什么?(上)
发布日期:2024-09-10 17:34    点击次数:195

白虎 美穴 百年前的成王人皮影戏看什么?(上)

源流:华西王人市报白虎 美穴

What Kind of Stories Were Depicted in Chengdu Shadow Puppetry a Century Ago?


皮影细节白虎 美穴


Over a long period, human society has preserved rich and diverse intangible cultural heritages in various forms. Chinese shadow puppetry is one of these cherished traditions.


Shadow puppetry, a traditional folk art originating from the Han Dynasty is a folk drama that displays puppet stories through silhouette figures crafted from animal hide. During the performance, puppeteers manipulate the movement of the puppets behind the white screen, while narrating the tale through songs and dialogues. Meanwhile, percussion and string music are also provided bringing an audio-visual feast to the audience.



The Chengdu Plain, located in southwestern China, offers an ideal environment for the flourishing of shadow puppetry. Thanks to the Dujiangyan Irrigation System, Chengdu has fertile land and abundant resources providing people with a worry-free and leisurely life. Chengdu shadow puppetry has since formed a unique artistic style and performance form and its production techniques have reached a level of maturity.


Shadow puppetry is called “lamp shadow play”or“puppet shadow play”in Sichuan dialect. According to historical records, Chengdu shadow puppetry was popular in the late Qing Dynasty, when there were as many as 16“Chengdu Lamp Shadow”troupes.

中语作家:四川日报记者 卢丽嘉 英文作家:四川海听说播中心记者 刘动 照相:卢丽嘉白虎 美穴

